
How to install php-mcrypt on CentOs 6.3

You need EPEL repo to install php-mcrypt:

yum -y install http://mirror.us.leaseweb.net/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-7.noarch.rpm
yum -y install php-mcrypt

Here is the code for installing EPEL repository on CentOS 6.4:

rpm -Uvh http://fedora.mirrors.pair.com/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm


How to install APC on CentOS 6.2

Various instructions in Internet on the subject did not give any joy, so compiling my own sequence, which did the trick:

yum install php-pear php-devel httpd-devel gcc pcre-devel apc
nano /etc/php.d/apc.ini

Put the following in apc.ini:

; Enable apc extension module

Then copy apc.php to public_html directory of your website:

How to properly install APF (Advanced Policy Firewall) on CentOS or Ubuntu

This guide will show you how to properly install APF firewall, one of the better known Linux firewalls available, on different Linux distros like Redhut/CentOS and Debian/Ubuntu. Configuration part doesn't differ from distro to another distro, so reading the official README file or googling will suffice.

How to list all installed packages in Ubuntu, CentOS and other Linux systems?

There are several ways to list installed packages in Ubuntu, like: sudo dpkg-query -Wf '${Installed-Size} - ${Package}n \n' | sort -n sudo aptitude search '?installed' In CentOS run one of these commands: yum list installed On any Linux machine with rpm installed: You need to use rpm command to display all installed packages in Linux.

Red Hat/Fedora Core/CentOS Linux

Type the following command to get list of all installed software
# rpm -qa | less

An easy way of extending Linux logical volumes

Some vendors like 1and1 deliver Linux servers with pre-configured partitioning scheme with reduced logical volumes. A Logical Volume Manager (LVM) manager is here to help us.

First we need to see if we have an extra space at all by running pvs command on Ubuntu and pvs -av on CentOS (http://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/Cluster_Logical_Volume_Manager/move_ne... recommends runing pvs -o+pv_used, however it did not work on CentOS 5.8)

root@host:~# pvs


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