Disable Named in chroot and remove chroot partition
The recent versions of bind recommends the chroot environment for better security. When considering the most used popular Linux distribution ‘Red Hat’, they ship a package called ‘bind-chroot’ for the chrooting of bind. By default the bind or named daemon runs in a chroot environment.
But users who want to run ‘named’ in the old fashion may do so by disabling the ‘chroot’ environment. The ‘chroot’ing feature can be disabled by commenting out the directive ‘ROOTDIR=/var/named/chroot’ in the file ‘/etc/sysconfig/named’ and then restarting the ‘named’ service.
df -h
yum -y remove bind-chroot
nano /etc/sysconfig/named
And remove/comment out any lines that look like ROOTDIR="/var/named/chroot"
chown named:named /etc/named.conf
df -h
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